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Posts about Marketing Communications (6):

The Midwest is full of world-class marketing events this summer. With warmer weather finally here, it’s a great time to feel refreshed, get inspired and expand your marketing knowledge at some upcoming can’t-miss marketing conferences.

Below are Thread’s picks for the top five marketing conferences in the Midwest this summer.

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Set your team up for success

A lot can happen in 12 months, especially in the context of a digital landscape laden with new technologies. While your 2017 marketing strategy may have been on-point, you can take it up a notch by getting a jump-start on 2018. Adopting marketing ideas that help your brand rise above the noise and equip your marketing team to do more with less effort can lead to increased brand awareness and higher revenue for your organization. Here is an inside look at what experts see coming down the pipeline.

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As a recent bride who has been through the wedding dress shopping experience, I have realized that the steps to choosing a wedding gown are the same steps to selecting a brand logo.

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