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Thread Connected Marketing works with multiple local nonprofits on a variety of projects. From branding to websites, PR and special campaigns, we understand the unique challenges facing nonprofits. Most are budget-conscience, and their messaging and appeals must resonate with consumers in a competitive world of donor dollars.

Good thing we enjoy a challenge! The Thread team loves to be creative in our problem-solving and helping our clients find innovative solutions in today’s loud world. With so many competing sources, it’s important to stand out.

When working with nonprofits, we want to help our clients with traditional marketing goals like building brand awareness, earning positive media coverage, and promoting products, services and events.

We also work with nonprofits to attract and retain donors and attract and retain volunteers. This is where it helps to be cleverly creative.

Case Study: Leadership Toledo

Recently, we worked with Leadership Toledo on their signature Community Breakfast event. This is the nonprofit’s big fundraising event for the year, so we want to maximize the experience for guests but minimize the cost.

This year, we tried something new. Instead of printing programs, we used a digital version. Attendees simply scanned a QR code at their seat and could flip through a digital copy of the program at their leisure. The program was also shown on a screen at the front of the room, so everyone could easily see it.

This was an innovative way to showcase the info we wanted to be sure guests understood: the mission of Leadership Toledo, the impact of participants’ donations and why all gifts (no matter the size!) go a long way in supporting the work of this organization.

Case Study: Goodwill Industries of Northwest Ohio

Another client we’ve recently worked with is Goodwill Industries of Northwest Ohio. While Goodwill relies on its mission, retail and commercial services division to fund operations and programs, a new Goodwill Foundation has been established to offer sustainable philanthropic funding.

We’ve worked with Goodwill Industries to craft new messaging and designed a creative suite for the new foundation. This packet includes multiple marketing pieces that complement each other but can also stand alone. From a freshly designed donor pledge agreement to a branded thank you card, the creative collateral will support the great work of the organization.

Case Study: Connecting Kids to Meals

Thread also works with the local nonprofit Connecting Kids to Meals (CKM). This organization is a vital lifeline for many underserved youth in Northwest Ohio. CKM provides hot, nutritious meals to kids in need all year long.

You’ve heard the saying ‘many hands make light work’ and that’s especially true when you’re feeding as many children as CKM does. So, in August we brought together volunteers from Columbia Gas and Toledo Jeep Fest to prepare meal packets, load them into Jeeps, and bring a little Jeep adventure to kids at various meal sites across the area. The meals were delivered to kids attending educational, enrichment, sports and fun summer activities.

This was also a great media moment, and local media outlets including The Toledo Blade, 13abc Action News and WTOL Channel 11 came out to capture the event. It showcased the great work of CKM and gave media exposure to Columbia Gas and Toledo Jeep Fest. The earned media coverage was a win-win-win for all involved.

With each nonprofit client, we work to be creative and innovative, while helping each organization simply and effectively connect their brand to their stakeholders.

Connect With Thread 

Thread Connected Marketing can help you with event marketing decisions - large and small - through careful attention to dynamic analytics and a nimble response. Check out this case studyview our services or contact us today